Time Zones > Iran Daylight Time
Iran Daylight Time(IRDT)
What time is it in Iran Daylight Time? Current Local time in Iran Daylight Time. Exact time now, time zone, UTC offset for Iran Daylight Time.
Local Ttime:
Sunday, February 23, 2025 12:51:22
Time Zone Abbr:
Time Zone Name:
Iran Daylight Time
UTC / GMT Offset:
UTC/GMT +4.5 Hours
DST period start / end:
Begins (clocks go forward) at 00:00 on the March 21–22 (1/1 Iranian calendars);
Ends (clocks go back) at 00:00 on the September 21–22 (6/30 Iranian calendars);
Ends (clocks go back) at 00:00 on the September 21–22 (6/30 Iranian calendars);